4/17 YouTube A-Pop チャンネルにてライブ生中継が決定!
ステージ上で5周年へ向けたネクストアクションを発表!4月17日に中華圏で絶大な人気を誇るMaydayと共演する国を超えたライブイベント「TOKYO FM & JFN present EARTH × HEART LIVE 2013」のライブの一部を、YouTube内で展開しているA-Pop チャンネル及 びflumpool公式チャンネルにて生中継することが決定した。
A-Pop channelは、アジアの音楽コンテンツ(Asian Pop)を発信するチャンネルとしてオープンし、3月にはオープニング企画として flumpoolも全世界のファンとGoogle+ハングアウトで交流
そして、4月24日にリリースされるライブBlu-ray&DVD「flumpool Special Live 2013“experience”at YOKOHAMA ARENA」のパッケージも遂に公開!
でき、更に、パッケージそのものを四角形や三角形にアレンジして組み立てることが出来るという、豪華な仕様となっている。10面の中から自分のお好みの面を見つけてレイアウトし、映像でもパッケージでも flumpoolのライブを堪能しよう!また、本日よりflumpoolオフィシャル YouTubeチャンネルにてライブBlu-
flumpool 公式YouTubeチャンネル
ライブBlu-ray &DVDティーザー映像URL
Live broadcasting at YouTube A-Pop Channel on April 17th !
Will announce the next action since they have came to their 5th years since debut ! On the April 17th, flumpool featuring the popular band Mayday which is famous among the whole Chinese Asian, are going to have a live event. 「TOKYO FM & JFN present EARTH × HEART LIVE 2013」, part of the live is going to
live broadcast on the YouTube Channel A-Pop Channel and flumpool's official channel.
A-Pop channel introduces Asian
music contents (Asian Pop), as an
opening project in March, flumpool had a chance to communicate with their fans all over the world at Google+ Hangouts.
Also, flumpool is going to announce their next action on the live stage for their up coming 5th anniversary this year October 1st. For those who can not make it to the live show, please don't miss out the live broadcasting.
Furthermore, we are going to
release te package of the live Blu-
ray&DVD 「flumpool Special Live
2013“experience”at YOKOHAMA
ARENA」which is going to be be out on the April 24th!
This time, the package is going to be a special 10 facets puzzle pop
package, the 10 facets which sets
the powerful live cuts of the members, whats more, the package can be formed into rectangle and triangle, a real premium design.
Within the 10 facets, choose your
favorite and lay out, no matter its
the video contents or the package,
let's show the best of flumpool!
Also, from today the teaser of the
live Blu-ray&DVD will be on the
flumpool YouTube Channel. The live which was held in January at
Yokohama Arena and the special
features which was the video of
flumpool's first Taiwan solo performance 「first experience in
Taiwan」will also be shown on the
channel, please check it out!
flumpool Official YouTube Channel
Live Blu-ray &DVD teaser video URL
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