January 31, 2014

WINK UP [2014.01] - Saga Alice Nine

Wink Up January 2014: Saga: "I'm really young!"

Interviewer: This time around, we'd like to look back on 6 years of this continuing column.

Saga: I've had a lot of fun getting to do so many different things for Wink Up over the years. (While looking at past issues) Wow, I haven't changed much, have I? Actually, it almost seems as though I looked older in the past, compared to how I look now,.haha.
When my family gets together everyone says to me "time seems to stop only for you!" Heh. Recently when we went to my grandpa's, he said I look younger than my brother, and he's 3 years younger than I am! Haha. I'm happy about that, but it's funny, isn't it? For musicians, y'know, our hair and stuff isn't the norm, right? I wonder if I went back to black hair, would I still look this way?

Interviewer: I don't think we've seen anyone in the band go back to all black before! But I do think that anyone in your position would still look young.

Saga: Is it a matter of consciousness, I wonder? Like, with Tora, when we're just working, and not doing a live or a photo shoot or something, he gets really careless and loosens up, heh. And sometimes I'm like "Eh? Are you alright?" But right before a live, an aura starts to emit from him. That surprises me! Recently I saw an actress on the street and she had no aura about her, her stage presence was nil. I was shocked! But when you're up in front of an audience, it's typical to emit an aura. Although ordinarily I barely show 20% of a stage presence, ha. Back in the day, I put up a front, I wore a mask. But lately onstage, I've been myself, I've become really casual. I think that's a good thing, though. I think a natural stance is best. Not trying to overdo it,y'know?
(Rereading old articles) Inside, my core, it hasn't changed at all, really. See, here I said "I can never talk to someone that I like," and that's the same even now. I could never say anything to them, they'd think "my god, he's depressing" and that'd be the end of it, ha!

Interviewer: Ahaha! What would you like to do next?

Saga: Looking back on all of this, it was decadent; that poorly constituted makeup looked okay; the one cosplay set-up where I had the doctor's lab coat on, that looked good, heh. I kind of unraveled at that age, haha. Wink Up, I wanna show off a different side of me than what I show onstage. I wanna go to a kindergarten and pose for pics with the kids there!

*With our kids too, please~*

January 29, 2014

Ameblog Saga Alice Nine [2014.01.28]

Our first Asia One-man Tour has been announced. Furthermore it’s going to be like our local tour. It won’t be a best-album sort of a tour, but we’re going to do an album tour just like we do in Japan.

Honestly I do feel some anxiety, But, well, with this anxiety included, this tour seems like it’s going to be one where we won’t know what’s going to happen.
I think the situation is different from how it is in Japan, since the people, culture, and language are different. There’s a 100% possibility of an accident happening. But I’m planning to expand my capacity through all that without exception. lol

I feel that overseas tour gives out a completely different reaction compared to Japan. There is no familiar routine. There is no practiced way of anything either, I actually really like that.

From the lives we’ve done so far, I think that the greatest response we received was in Jakarta, but it’s so sad that it’s not included (in the schedule). But I think from now on there’s a possibility that it will be added later.

Ah~ But, it’s regrettable that I won’t be able to watch FIFA World Cup at home..

Everyone in our Asia Tour, please support Japanese representation together with me. lol

January 18, 2014

Ameblog Saga Alice Nine [2014.01.18]

Today we’re filming the MV for SHINING ( ^ω^ )

For breakfast this morning I had a serving of pineapple and about a dozen other types of produce.
Lately since I haven’t been sleeping well I’ve been relying on sleeping pills.
That is SOOOO not good…
But there’s nothing but a field here…
And as per usual, my costume for SHINING….



*I hope I could be there, on the night you can sleep down well and then play songs and sing until your eyes is closed.... daydreaming*

January 11, 2014

Ameblog Saga Alice Nine [2014.01.10]

♪ So I’ve been on a stupid ridiculous junk food diet. And my sleep has become messed up. That’s my recording process. Especially since bass and drum recording time is #1 on the to-do list, we’re first so we get the least amount of time. Vocals have lyrics to deal with so that’s different.
Must be so nice to play guitar…



And someone buy the rhythm section a beer, huh?
In addition, all the adults are like ‘huh? For one song, how about 30 minutes? You got this, go go!
( ^ω^ )’

Treating it so lightly…!



Give us both more credit!!!

I was able to get (song working title) ‘rock A’ finished, and I made sure to get a bit in there where fans at lives will have to scream.

♪I’m on a snack break now. I’ve recorded bass for 3 songs today. We’re still working on drums. Once we get the drums down, ‘rock A’ will be finished!

♪ finished recording for 3 songs!
( ^ω^ )
Show me some love!!

*I'll give you ALL I have!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥*

January 06, 2014

Ameblog Saga Alice Nine [2014.01.05]

2014 is no different
I’m writing in my blog (⌒▽⌒)
Y’know, I can’t really handle twitter. I’m always afraid that people will discover that I’m an idiot so I never write anything on it. If I was just a regular guy and not in a band, I think I’d write some pretty interesting things, though. Almost feel like deleting my account sometime soon.

Y’know, if I didn’t play music, I think I’d aim to be a journalist or something. I’d write articles and books… I wonder if I could interview someone….

*You said if you weren't a musician you'll be a teacher. Did you forget, eh? But if you are journalist, please interview me EVERYDAY! Lol*

January 03, 2014

Ameblog Saga Alice Nine [2014.01.03]

So early in the year and I’m already being chased by songwriting, lol
I want to slowly improve and spread my wings a bit, but I honestly have no idea how to fully relax after the end of the year! I just accumulate stress! But I can’t run away!

My head hurts from drinking too much sake to try and erase the stress! And if I take a walk I just think of nothing but bad things, lol

Hey now—
It’s like I’m being forced. There’s a lot of people out there who say a song or melody is ‘falling’ (like rain or snow) onto you, but I don’t know anything about that. I’ve never had a song ‘fall’ on me. It hurts, I’m suffering! I’m so distressed that if I can’t squeeze this out I’ll never be able to write another good song or melody again!