January 31, 2014

WINK UP [2014.01] - Saga Alice Nine

Wink Up January 2014: Saga: "I'm really young!"

Interviewer: This time around, we'd like to look back on 6 years of this continuing column.

Saga: I've had a lot of fun getting to do so many different things for Wink Up over the years. (While looking at past issues) Wow, I haven't changed much, have I? Actually, it almost seems as though I looked older in the past, compared to how I look now,.haha.
When my family gets together everyone says to me "time seems to stop only for you!" Heh. Recently when we went to my grandpa's, he said I look younger than my brother, and he's 3 years younger than I am! Haha. I'm happy about that, but it's funny, isn't it? For musicians, y'know, our hair and stuff isn't the norm, right? I wonder if I went back to black hair, would I still look this way?

Interviewer: I don't think we've seen anyone in the band go back to all black before! But I do think that anyone in your position would still look young.

Saga: Is it a matter of consciousness, I wonder? Like, with Tora, when we're just working, and not doing a live or a photo shoot or something, he gets really careless and loosens up, heh. And sometimes I'm like "Eh? Are you alright?" But right before a live, an aura starts to emit from him. That surprises me! Recently I saw an actress on the street and she had no aura about her, her stage presence was nil. I was shocked! But when you're up in front of an audience, it's typical to emit an aura. Although ordinarily I barely show 20% of a stage presence, ha. Back in the day, I put up a front, I wore a mask. But lately onstage, I've been myself, I've become really casual. I think that's a good thing, though. I think a natural stance is best. Not trying to overdo it,y'know?
(Rereading old articles) Inside, my core, it hasn't changed at all, really. See, here I said "I can never talk to someone that I like," and that's the same even now. I could never say anything to them, they'd think "my god, he's depressing" and that'd be the end of it, ha!

Interviewer: Ahaha! What would you like to do next?

Saga: Looking back on all of this, it was decadent; that poorly constituted makeup looked okay; the one cosplay set-up where I had the doctor's lab coat on, that looked good, heh. I kind of unraveled at that age, haha. Wink Up, I wanna show off a different side of me than what I show onstage. I wanna go to a kindergarten and pose for pics with the kids there!

*With our kids too, please~*

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