February 17, 2014

Leo Ieiri PV 'a boy'

The PV for Ieiri Leo's new song 'a boy' has been revealed to be a collaborated with the protagonist "Leo" from 'Jungle Emperor' which is known more as 'Kimba the White Lion '.

Tezuka Production's animation director Nishida Masayoshi was in charge of the anime in the PV while Ito Gabin takes charge of fusing the anime with the real video image.
The Tezuka Production heard that the name "Leo" which is Ieiri's stage name basically adapted from
Leo of 'Kimba the White Lion. And as scheduled for release on February 19, the full version will be included in the limited edition. It has been explained by the chief producer Yumoto Hiroyuki that this project was planned because the song 'a boy' closely relates on the theme of Jungle Emperor.
Though the Jungle Emperor goes for three generations, it is indeed a story of Leo's coming-of-age from child to adult. Moreover, Ieiri hopes that those people who had gone into difficulties and sufferings in life like her will watch the video.

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